Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a prevalent issue that can affect one or both ears, making it challenging to perceive sounds accurately. This often results in difficulties understanding spoken words or identifying certain pitches or frequencies. While it can be a natural part of aging, hearing loss might also stem from prolonged exposure to loud noise, certain chemicals, injuries, or genetics.
At Rawls Clinical Audiology, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for those with hearing loss. Our clinic offers a wide range of cost-effective hearing aids designed to meet diverse needs and preferences. Our focus is not just your hearing, but your cognitive health. Managing your hearing loss can help you fully engage in conversations, enjoy the voices of your loved ones, and make your brain not have to work so hard just to hear.
We understand the importance of personalized solutions, and our team of dedicated professionals is here to help you choose the most suitable hearing aid. With our expertise and commitment to your auditory health, we aim to enhance your quality of life and ensure you can appreciate the full spectrum of sound.
dog in a forest

Signs of Hearing Loss

Detecting and dealing with hearing loss can be a complicated process. In many cases, those closest to you like your partner, close friends, or family members may observe the changes before you do. If someone has suggested that you get your hearing checked, it’s a sign that you might be experiencing hearing loss.
Recognizing the symptoms of hearing loss is crucial for identifying the issue. Here are some common signs:
    • Muffled speech: Struggling to hear speech clearly, making sounds seem blurred or muted.
    • Difficulty understanding words, especially in noisy environments.
    • Frequently replying with “Pardon?” or “Excuse me?” during conversations.
    • The need to turn up the volume on televisions or audio devices.
    • Experiencing a ringing or humming sensation in the ears.
    • Difficulty understanding the voices of women and children.
    • Struggling to hear when people are not directly facing you.
If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, it’s essential to have your hearing examined. Our skilled team is committed to providing thorough hearing assessments and the necessary support needed to restore your hearing to its best possible level. Don’t put it off any longer – contact us today and reclaim your ability to hear life at its fullest.

Common Myths About Hearing Loss

Myth #1

Only elderly people experience hearing loss.

Fact: While hearing loss is more prevalent among older adults, it can affect people of all ages, including children and young adults. Factors such as exposure to loud noises, genetics, and certain medical conditions can contribute to hearing loss at any age.

Hearing loss only affects the ears.

Fact: Hearing loss can have significant impacts beyond just the ears. It can affect cognitive function, social interactions, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Hearing loss is not a serious health issue.

Fact: Hearing loss should be taken seriously as it can lead to various complications if left untreated. These include social isolation, depression, reduced job performance, safety risks, and cognitive decline. Seeking early intervention and treatment can help mitigate these risks.

Hearing aids make hearing loss worse.

Fact: Hearing aids are highly effective devices designed to improve hearing for individuals with hearing loss. When properly fitted and adjusted by a professional, hearing aids can significantly enhance communication and quality of life for those with hearing impairment.

Myth #5

Hearing loss can't be prevented.

Fact: While some causes of hearing loss, such as genetics, cannot be prevented, many cases of hearing loss can be avoided by taking precautions to protect your hearing. This includes avoiding exposure to loud noises, using ear protection in noisy environments, and maintaining overall ear health.

Hearing loss is always permanent.

Fact: While some forms of hearing loss may be permanent, others may be temporary and reversible with appropriate treatment. Temporary hearing loss can result from factors such as ear infections, impacted earwax, or certain medications. Seeking medical attention promptly can help identify and address reversible causes of hearing loss.

Hearing loss only affects communication.

Fact: Hearing loss can impact various aspects of daily life beyond communication. It can affect one’s ability to enjoy music, participate in social activities, engage in conversations, and even perform job-related tasks. Addressing hearing loss can improve overall quality of life and well-being.

If I can hear some sounds, my hearing is fine.

Fact: Hearing loss can be gradual, and individuals may not realize the extent of their impairment until it significantly affects their ability to communicate and engage with the world around them. Regular hearing screenings and evaluations by a qualified audiologist can help detect hearing loss early and facilitate appropriate interventions.